
Nancy Pelosi and Her Sunglasses Declare Silent Victory After Oval Office Showdown

Pluralism / Dec 11, 2018 - Source: vanityfair

But there did come a point when Pelosi stepped in to put things straight: “Nancy's in a situation where it's not easy f

Meghan Markle and the Photo-Booth GIF Mystery

Pluralism / Dec 11, 2018 - Source: vanityfair

On Monday evening, the Duchess of Sussex provided the sort of dramatic, exciting surprise that doesn't happen all that much

More Than 80 Potential Buyers Turned Down the Chance to Save Elizabeth Holmes

Pluralism / Sep 05, 2018 - Source: vanityfair

Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes may have tacitly admitted defeat when she settled with the Securities and Exchange Commission

Samantha Bee Apologizes One Last Time for Ivanka Trump Comment—But with a Catch

Pluralism / Jun 07, 2018 - Source: vanityfair

It's hard to believe it's been only a week since Samantha Bee drew ire by calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt” on Ful

Asia Argento at Cannes: Film Industry “Covered Up” Harvey Weinstein's Crimes

Pluralism / May 20, 2018 - Source: vanityfair

Actress Asia Argento, who is among Harvey Weinstein's most vocal accusers, walked onstage to thunderous applause at the Can

How Did Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Spend Their Last Weekend Before the ...

Pluralism / May 14, 2018 - Source: vanityfair

This is to say—and this is an understatement, even—it must be a pretty intense time to be Prince Harry or Meghan Markle.

John Oliver Dives Deep into the Bizarre Life of Rudy Giuliani

Pluralism / May 07, 2018 - Source: vanityfair

Rudy Giuliani might be the newest member of Donald Trump's legal team, but it seems more like the former New York mayor has
